Super Single Mom Moments

Whether your going to school, college or working everyday you will find yourself doing something incredible because you are a single mom. I call those Super Single Mom Moments!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Potty is Your Friend: Getting your child ready to potty train

Peeing in front of your toddler can feel akward but sometimes thats just what you have to do to teach them how to use the toilet. I've had a child in my life and in my bathroom since the age of 22(Raven was born when I was 21 so it was about a year before I gave up my right to privacy in the bathroom). 10 years later with my third child it is no different. My son follows me into the restroom continuoulsly. However unlike with the two girls before him, he can't learn everything from me. Now all I have to do is convince his father that it is a normal process of potty training to let your child watch you use the toilet.

According to There are certain needs that must be apparent before a child can be ready to potty train.


  • They must be able to stay dry for at least 2 hours: This is to show that they have some control over their bladder.

  • Voiding large amounts: Another sign to show that they can control their bladder.

  • Psychological

  • Know that they are voiding: If they don't recognize the feeling they can't tell you before or try to make it to the potty.

  • Want to potty train: If they aren't interested or excited about it there isn't really much you can do to get them to potty train.

  • Physical

  • Be able to walk: If they can't get around they can't get to the potty!

  • www.kepkeidshealty aslo says that once your child has reached all these ready signs that you must set the stage for them.

  • Model: This is when you need to tell and show them what they are supose to use the potty for.

  • Get the poty ready: Make sure it is the right height and easy for the child to use.

  • Decide on Pull-ups, training pants and underwear (at different stages your child may be ready for these): Pull-ups are good to start with until the child has some consistant success or they may get discouraged when they have accedents and make messes upon the floor.

  • Now You Can Start!

    Super Single Mom Moment: Make sure you and your child are ready before attmepting to Potty Train so neither of you get frustrated!

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