MedicaidOne of the programs I qualify for is Medical assistance or
Medicaid. It has changed since I first began using it. Now I have two providers to chose from,
Paramount and
Buckeye Community Heath Plan. I was automatically put in Buckeye Community when the switch happened but I have often wondered if I should switch. A friend of mine has Paramount and we have noticed differences. I wish I had something I could hold that could tell me the pros and cons of each
According to a New York Times article
With Medicaid Cuts, Doctors, and Patients Drop Out reimbursements from Medicaid are so low that Dr. are losing money every time they take a patient who has Medicaid.
Because of this, patients are having trouble finding doctors and dentists who will accept their coverage. I myself had to call 3 different eye doctors, who were recommended by my medicaid insurance company agent, before I found one that would take my insurance.
Not only is it hard to find a doctor who will take the insurance but then the insurance may not cover a procedure you need done. The New York times article said that "The states and the federal government share the cost of Medicaid but it falls to the state to control spending by setting limits on eligibility, benefits and provider payments within brad federal guidelines."
So how does Ohio's two medicaid providers stack up against each other?

With treatment and prevention coming in even one would have to wonder exactly what the big difference in satisfaction comes from. It is possible the inability to get quick or fast care are factors in this. The availability of service providers and quality of those providers likely have a lot to do with it.
Unfortunately there is no quick answer to these problems. I believe that Obama is on the right track with his
health care reform. However, is it enough? I don't know but I hope. However with the large debate about the health care bill going around it is hard to know what will happen.
Sometimes I hear people I know say horrible things about people in
HUD housing and who use medicaid. Some of them I call friends. It is hard but I have to let them know how I feel about it. I feel it is my duty to remind them of the reason those programs exist. Not to let people be lazy and do nothing, but to help those who need it at the time. I am one of those people, although with my impending graduation, I hope to change that. It still has helped me get this far.
I know some people who are ashamed to be using the programs I speak about, I have a friend who
doesn't tell her kids let alone anyone she may date what her situation is, and I respect her decision even though I disagree with it.
I am not happy I'm in the exact situation that I'm in but I'm not ashamed either. I am a single mother just finishing college and these programs are in place to help me to be able to get that education and do better. I think letting my daughter believe that money and food just happens to drop out of the sky, when I'm not working, is
I want my daughters to know that there is aid, but
I'm working to get off of it. That nothing should be taken for granted. That the house we live in is available to us through these programs because society should care about those who are less fortunate, not less of a people.
I want them to know that it is not out of the kindness of our hearts that we should have programs in place for those less fortunate but as a member of society it is our duty to help those who need it.
Super Single Mom Moment: Know the programs that are out there and research the ones best for you, like which Medicaid provider is best for you and your family.