Sunday, February 21, 2010
Family Friendly Environments, University 0 Future Employment Opportunities 6
As a single mom about to graduate in only a few months I am beggining to think about employment and employers. How family friendly will my employer be? What types of programs out there should I be looking at to know that my employer cares about being family friendly?
According to Managemment-issues "the U.S. lags dramatically behind all other high-income countries, and even behind many middle- and low-income countries, when it comes to protecting – or even acknowledging - the family lives of workers." It based this on a report by Harvard and McGill University researchers.
Working Mothers magaizne said in "Working Mothers 100 Best Companies 2009" the programs that make companies good for families are things such as telecommuting, flextime schedules, jobsharing, compressed work weeks, help with child-care needs and sick-child care. The article breaks down the top 100 companies and what they offer.
What do some of these programs mean for a single mother?
Telecomuting is when a parent can work from home. Their home office would be set up with everything they would need to work from home. Thier may be scheduled days to meet for meetings but on average the parent would be working from home and so able to manage thier time better.
Flextime schedules is when all workers would have set times to be in the office during the day and then the rest of the hours are up to them. Possibly it is easier for you to work early in the morning or later at night. It works well for those who have a large chunk of time like when children are getting out of school that they need to be home but then could work later.
Job Sharing is when two proffessionals that want to work only part time share a full time position.
A compressed work week is when a worker works more hours a day but less days a week. Typically 4 days of 10 hrs.
Although at the collegent level there really isn't any programs set up for extra work such a group projects for single mothers like me it is comforting to know that there are employers thinking of people like me! Although the U. S. may be behind other countries it is still encouraging for me to know I can look for companines that value these programs and I can utilize research to explain what and why these work for employers who do not.
Super Single Mom Moment: Hope and preperation!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Food Stamps, now Food Assistance = Support for Single Moms

Super Single Mom Moment: Putting asside political belif and fear of social stigma to provide food for your children!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Nick Jr. time, a.k.a. mommy work time
Nick Jr. for me is peace quiet and work time for mommy!
As a single mother trying to graduate there are times during the day I just need an hour or so to write a paper or read. Nick Jr. is educational with shows like "Dora the Exploer" that teaches spanish phrases, "Team Umizoomi" that teachese preschoolers math, and shows such as "Wonderpets" that teaches teamwork. It is entertaining to my two, four and even my ten year old. The shows, songs and little songs inbetween are also entertaining to me. Other shows can make me want to buiry my head in a pillow. The shows on Nick Jr. allow me to sit and watch with my children as well as let them watch while I am working.
The fact that it is 24hrs 7 days a week and comercial free is amazing! My schedule isn't 9-5 by any means and I'll never know when I have to fit doing some homework in. I'd like to say I wait until the kids go to bed to do all my homework but the fact is, I am so tired by that point most of what I read wouldn't sink in.
Many of the shows on Nick Jr. appeal to more than just preschoolers. Shows like "Yo Gabba Gabba" have music guests, "The Ting Tings", and regular guests, Jack Black, that appeal to me.
Super Single Mom Moment: Getting work done while listening to shows that I aprove of and don't make me what to bury my head under a pillow!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It's a Valentines Day party, open up the drawbridge, let in the candy
Most single mom households and even two parent households don't take the time to make cards anymore. This year I noticed the stores even had boxes you could buy. Squashing all the fun and creativity out of the tradition.
This year we decided not to buy any of the pre-made stuff for my daughter Raven's Valentines "kit". Her father worked for two weeks designing and building her "box". Her grandmother, my mother, printed out cards that they colored during the two snow days we had this week.
The result was a very happy 10-year-old.
Her father spent some money and worked hard but ultimately he said the look on Raven and her classmates' faces was worth it. "Castle Raven" has a center building that opens up for her to insert her cards and holds candy to give her classmates. It also includes a scroll hidden under the "grass" marked by an X. The scroll gives a hint to where other candy is hidden.
As a single mother something like this seemed impossible for me to do. Every year I bought the standard cards and covered a shoe box in tissue paper. I would see other parents/moms bringing in more elaborate boxes and feel like I was letting my daughter down.
This year I did two things that are very hard for me to do. I asked for help and relinquished control. I realized I didn't have the time to do what I wanted for my daughter and saw the opportunity to get her father more involved in these types of events in her life. I also realized that I needed to utilize my support system. My support system consists of my parents, my siblings and a few of my very understanding and supportive friends. They are my lifelines!
Super Single Mom Moment? Asking for help and Relinquishing Control!
About Me

- Heather Camden
- I am a 32 year-old mother of 3 who just finished college in May of 2010 with a Bachelors in Journalism/Public Relations. I have been through many struggles on my journey to graduate and anticipate more in the future. I would not be where I am today without my wonderful support system.
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